The Family Support Program through the Family and Children’s Service of Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington has been a part of the community since 1981. The Family Support Program is a voluntary service that provides support and services to families in Lennox and Addington County who have children under the age of 18 who have physical and/ or developmental disabilities. 


Who can access the program?

The Family Support Program is available to families who meet all the following criteria: 

  • Reside in Lennox and Addington county;  
  • Your child must be under the age of 18;
  • Your child must have a disability

You will be required to provide documentation from a health professional that identifies your child’s diagnosis.


How does the program work?

A referral can come from any service provider or professional working with the family. Families can even self-refer. A member of the Family Support Team will receive the referral and contact the family. An intake meeting will be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon date and time whereby the family can meet with a Family Support Worker and talk about the services available to them. A Family Support Worker and the family will work together to develop a service plan that identifies strategies, services, and supports to address the family’s unique circumstances. 


What services does the Family Support Program provide to eligible families? 

  • Applications for various funding sources
  • Support and advocacy with education-related issues and medical appointments
  • Case Management Services
  • Provide information regarding community services and assist with referrals to those services
  • Assistance in obtaining parent relief
  • Long-term planning and referral to adult services 
  • Community education 



Check out our website or call (613) 545-3227 and ask to speak to a member of the Family Support Team. We would be happy to assist you!