Family and Children’s Services of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington is committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities are provided equal opportunities and standards of service in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) by eliminating barriers and improving accessibility for persons with disabilities in a manner that respects dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.
We recognize the diverse needs of persons within the communities we serve and will respond by providing services and facilities that are accessible to everyone. This includes training, the use of assistive devices, permission to use service animals and the ability for those with disabilities to be accompanied by a support person. We will make every effort to provide notice in the event of a disruption in the facilities or services potentially used by people with disabilities.
The Family and Children’s Services of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington recognizes the diverse needs of persons within the communities we serve and will respond by providing services and facilities that are accessible to everyone. The Agency recognizes that every person has the right to make a complaint, offer a suggestion or compliment on the way we provide services to people with disabilities. Everyone is invited to provide their feedback. All feedback is tracked to ensure appropriate follow up and reporting and is kept in strict confidence.
Feedback may be provided in any of the following methods:
- By phone: 613-545-3227 or 855-445-3227
- By fax: 613-542-4428
- By e-mail:
- In writing:
Human Resources
817 Division Street
Kingston, ON K7K 4C2 - or In Person
All feedback is directed to Human Resources. Human Resources will provide a response no later than fourteen (14) business days of receipt of such feedback in a format that takes into account any disability and outlines actions deemed appropriate.
A copy of Family and Children’s Services of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington’s Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities policy and related documents are available upon request by contacting the Human Resources department (see above).
*Please note: If you require a copy of the Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities policy and related documents in an alternate format, please advise the Human Resources department.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities – Client Services
Politique – Normes daccessibilite´ inte´gre´es
Integrated Accessibility Standards
Politique – Normes daccessibilite´ inte´gre´es
Formulaire de rétroaction d’un client ou d’un employé au sujet de l’accessibilité du service à la clientèle
AODA – Accessible Customer Service-Employee Feedback Form Word
A Form for Accessible Customer Service/Employee Feedback
Nous demandons à toutes les personnes handicapées pouvant avoir besoin d’assistance en cas d’urgence de remplir ce formulaire pour aider notre organisme à repérer tout obstacle auquel elles pourraient faire face en cas d’urgence
We ask all visitors with disabilities who require assistance during an emergency to complete this form to help our Agency identify any barriers that could be a factor in the event of an emergency.